Thursday, June 5, 2008

Long post of old research

This post is a long migration of research I did over the past 2 years for other Forums, particularly for the subscriber's Forum. Hold tight, soem good info here!


A friend's post from 2006:

I had a chance to meet ASLM's 95 year old President Wofford Conrad in Spokane at his home - which doubles as the corporate office of ASLM.This was a wonderful chance to meet with one of the legends of the Silver Valley as Mr. Conrad surely is.While there, I got a copy of the lease that ASLM signed with CDE back in 1997. ASLM is entitled to a 20% net profits royalty. If Silver is priced @ $16.50 an ounce the royalty will go up to 40 %. Amazingly,ASLM was partially mined more than 70 years ago. The Silver Wire Vein, a rich Silver vein, has been traced by other operators to and shown to probably run through ASLM's 320 acre claim. Further, ASLM's claim is only 200' from CDE's closed down shaft. It looks like CDE's new owner (U S Silver Corp), headed by Silver Valley Native John Ryan ,is looking to invest $15 MM in expansion at the CDE mines. The bad news for ASLM holders like myself is that it is unlikely that US Silver, or any other company for that matter, would pay a 40% royalty to mine this claim. IMO, the CDE lease with ASLM was signed to tie up the property with no bona fide attempt ever really made by CDE to mine it. Also, US Silver can cancel this lease on 30 days notice.


More: The lease with CDE ( and its successor) runs to 2017. I have a copy of the lease that I obtained from Company President Wofford Conrad last year. The problem with the lease is that the terms are too good for ASLM. A 40% royalty at $16 Silver is unworkable for the lessee-developer. Look at ILDM and its "ARRANGEMENT" with Hecla. The royalty paid there is 18% to ILDM. BTW, That stock has never looked back since its litigation with HL ended a year ago,--. Closing in on a 1000% upmove. I talked with Mr.Conrad and his son Tay about options to get out of the lease but at 95 years old, Wofford Conrad sees no need to start a legal fight- and at his age I can't really blame him-Sigh. In any event I still believe ASLM is a long term call on Silver and will head to the skies when its time comes -as it certainly will.


Note: July 2007 ASLM.PK hit $2.49!


Maps of the area (note that I held ILDS.PK at the time and just started getting into ASLM.PK)

The best map of the Silver VAlley I know. is dated! There have been many changes since then. I used the "Silver Pennies" book and alot of surfing and still am a bit fuzzy on all of the small claims near the Lucky Friday. I even bought Abot before I found out they sold out and are just a shell company in Pennsylvania...Here's a rough map of the area, but does not show the microcaps like ASLM, LFEX, MERG, MMMM, MEMLA, MSLM, etc.'s a partial and outdated list of local companies finally, here's a good article.


My own post from July 24, 2007

I talked to the old guy at ASLM. He sounded about 96 years old, but I did not ask his name. My conversation seemed to take quite a bit of effort, so please don't everyone call him! He had a little trouble catching his breath as he talked...nice, friendly guy...He confirmed athere was a meeting last week with US Silver about drilling on ASLM land. They do not have a schedule or start date.

July 2007: I noted a possible "area play" AUU.V's Pine Creek agreement with Sterling

(but given-up in Feb 2008:


Friend's post: ASLM 200 feet from CDE(!)

Tay Conrad returned my call today; he remembered my visit of last April to his Dad's home( Mr, Wofford Conrad the 96 year old President of ASLM). He did not know who was recently buying ASLM shares. He did confirm that US Silver will drill the lease as soon as a rig becomes available to do so.He did mention that US Silver has announced plans to open the abandoned Coeur D'Alene mine(that is only 200' from the Eastern limits of the ASLM claim.


Maps of Silver Valley and some ASLM info, scanned from paper copies


More friend's post:

If you have the time, please refer to the first post on this thread ; I told of how I visited the ASLM president at his home/office last year. The kind man was then 95 years old and a fountain of knowledge and experience in the Silver Valley. I saw assays,maps, and mappings of the property, a rock the size of a beachball that looked like pure silver, and documentation that the Wire Silver vein is 200' from ASLM's claims.US Silver is likely drilling the property right now. I saw the lease that ASLM has with CDE.I am glad that they have not mined the property-yet. When Silver goes skyward,it will likely be mined. But the stock will have already made its move.That is the plan... or the hope... or maybe just the dream. We'll see in time.


Nov 2007 mention os ASLM.PK


HL to take ILDS.PK


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